Friday, May 11, 2007

"Am I Bovvered"

The other afternoon I got a phone call at work from the Wife saying that the dog had escaped. He followed her into the front garden and jumped the wall without her noticing and it was about two hours before she realised. By then we both thought that he would have been squashed - although the roads around here are fairly quiet it's not far to a couple of major routes in and out of the city. After phoning around various vets and the police station there had been no reports so there was still hope he would a) come home or b) be found. So while the Wife waited I went for a drive around. The trouble is that there are so many side streets and back lanes in the area that at the time it felt like an impossible task. After checking around the old house I decided to head home the long way and by chance spotted him out of the corner of my eye, trotting down the middle of a side street. When I reached him he just looked at me as if to say "what are you doing here?" and then proceeded to jump all over my shiney new car as I drove him home. As soon as he walked through the door he was after his dinner then slept for the rest of the evening. I'm amazed that he survived five hours out there (indeed as I picked him up a woman told me that he had just narrowly avoided being run over) and I don't think he would have made it home on his own. He of course must have found it to be just one big adventure and is oblivious to the trouble he caused. At the time I was saying that if he does make it home alive I would quite happily murder him but he really is a big part of the family.

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