Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I may have written something similar last year. Or maybe the year before. Regardless, I'm going to write it (again) now.

September always feels like a new beginning to me. Perhaps because for the last 25 or so years my life has revolved around the academic year. Perhaps, in part, it's due to the change in the season. Summer is all but over; the days are cooler (although the weather is better than it has been all summer) and the nights have a chill to them. Flowers are dying off in the garden, the tomatoes are starting to limp in the greenhouse and there are large bare patches in the veggie plot. The roads and car parks are again full of traffic and the campus is soon to be invaded again. And, the next Bank Holiday is Christmas. Despite all that, I love this time of year.

So, my new season's resolution is to blog more and to comment more. Although I'm relatively anonymous around blogland, that shy streak that I struggle with in the real world often crops up around here too. And that's what I'm going to work on.


Beth said...

Change is good - you know - except when it isn't. :-)

Holly said...

Right now, change is good - I'm in the mood for change!