Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Doctor Who?

This post was going to be about the weather but once I got started I just couldn't stop. Actually I forced myself to stop because I could go on for hours on this topic

More often than not I get frustrated during my drive home from work but today I was early enough to be ahead of most of the traffic. The potential was there for a relaxing half hour. It wasn't to be. Gillian McKeith (note the deliberate omission of her 'title') was on the radio advertising her latest TV programme. I may have ranted about the woman before on here but today saw me waiting at traffic lights in the middle of a city centre landmark yelling my head off at the radio and almost missing the green light.

She's not just irritating. She's frightening. And not in the way she would like to be! Some of the garbage she comes out with, dressed up as science, is just plain wrong. For example, today she was talking about how important a healthy, nutritionally balanced diet is. Now that makes perfect sense and I would never argue with that. But she followed up by saying that, as part of that diet, tea (ordinary black tea) should be ditched in favour of the likes of nettle tea because it contains various essential vitamins. So tell me please, if I am eating a balanced diet why should my delicious morning cuppas, which provide me with a good dose of antioxidants along with a splash of calcium and various other goodies found in milk, need to be replaced with crap that tastes like dish-water which provides nothing more than my balanced diet does.

And does a balanced diet really mean not eating protein and carbohydrates at the same time? As for smoothies for breakfast, why? The types of fruit she recommends for her smoothies are far too expensive, just eat a balanced diet! As for quick and easy (3 mins to make according to the 'good doctor'), by the time you've prepared the fruit, blended it and washed up I've had my tea and (wholemeal) toast and am half way to work.

It's crap. Everything she says is crap. And I have been known to stand beside her products in the supermarket and tell the wife, and anyone else within earshot, just how crap her over priced products are. Even the recipes she was talking about today contain various beans I have never heard of. I despair that people spend money on these sorts of products. Head round to the fresh fruit and veg aisle - it's cheaper, healthier and you won't be lining her pockets!

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