Friday, July 06, 2007

Two Things

  1. I know why it hasn't stopped raining for weeks - I bought a new pair of shorts for our holiday. I rarely get my legs out and this is the first new pair I've bought in about five years. Sods law says I'll not get a chance to wear them this summer. (As I type the patio is flooded and at least 1 cabbage and 2 lettuces have got waterlogged and rotted - but thank God we haven't been flooded like other parts of the country).
  2. I'm stuck. Tonight is my turn to cook. The wife has cooked all week and quite rightly, can't be bothered tonight. I thought this would be the case but didn't think ahead and so have nothing planned. After making a couple of suggestions that didn't go down too well my only option was to get a take away. "Sounds good" sounded good to me but I then promised to put some thought and some effort into doing something delicious on Sunday (we are out tomorrow). I have less than 48 hours to come up with an idea and then shop. Help!!! (i.e. feel free to let me know your favourite recipe)!


Beth said...

One of our very, very simple but yummy things to cook is to get a whole chicken - put salt, pepper, rosemary and thyme inside - and rub butter on the outside and them salt and pepper. You put it in a big lidded pan and cook for about an hour and a half to two hours.

Plus, you can use the broth for soups or to put in rice when cooking it for more flavor.

It's more winter than summer - but always good.

Beth said...

I'm tagging you because you don't seem to do these things very often either :-)