Thursday, May 19, 2005

Thinking time

As I have no source of income at the moment I have had to resort to invigilating undergraduate exams. Getting paid bloody good money for sitting on my arse doing nothing for three hours at a time seemed like a good idea (and may do again once the money goes in the bank) but in reality it is the most boring way to spend a day. It did however give me time to do a little mental filing to get those jumbled up thoughts into some semblance of order (this was however only 3 hours so don’t be expecting too much coherence);

How and why do some women manage/bother to put on a full face of makeup (and then some in certain cases) and be wearing what to me should be Friday-night-on-the-town clothes for a 9am exam?

How long do I have to sit here to be at risk of DVT. Should I be doing those exercises you are supposed to do on an aeroplane? Next time I'll wear some flight socks.

Should I offer that guy in the third row a tissue – then he might stop picking his nose.

I hope I can get back to the car quickly after this has finished or the parking meter will have run out and what I’ve earned here will have to go towards a parking fine.

What is the proportion of left to right handers in the general population - according to this sample it is 1 in 9.

What could I do with the 40 quid I’m getting paid for this if I didn’t have to use it to pay the bills…

I'm still working on that last one.

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