Friday, April 07, 2006

Shock Horror!

So a swan has been found to have died with bird flu in Scotland. The end of the world is nigh! I was late for work this morning because breakfast news said they had a reporter inside the 'protection zone' at Cellardyke and I wanted to see the mass panic and people dying in the streets. Alas, it looked just like a sleepy seaside town. Then they went to a supermarket in South London where people insisted that they only buy free range organic chicken anyway so there was no risk to their health which cheered me up. Free range organic poultry is probably more at risk because they are kept out in the lovely fresh air where wild birds can come and go as they please, passing on their germs. Having said that how many cases are there of transmission from bird to human through eating chicken? How many cases of human to human transmission have there been? I'll shut up before this story really starts to wind me up.

Staying on a similar subject, the local news last night ran a story about a giant rabbit eating its way through vegetable plots and allotments, and this isn't the first giant rabbit to have made the news recently. Perhaps we should be less worried about bird flu and more worried about starvation giant rabbits take over the country and destroy all crops.

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