Friday, June 30, 2006

Rain, rain go away...

It can't be about to rain! It's been gorgeous all week and now, just as I'm
about to pack up and head home to enjoy the garden, the sky clouds over and
threatens rain. There are more practical issues I have with it raining this
weekend. We still don't have a washing machine and we're all set to go and
take over someones washer to do the several loads we have accumulated over
the last fortnight. If we can't hang it out, it will never dry! Secondly, we
don't have a cooker anymore. The guy who came to fit the second new fire had
to test all the gas and he condemmed the 40+ year old cooker we inherited
with the house. So, I was looking forward to a weekend of BBQs. I'm off to
do a wee anti-rain dance.

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