Monday, June 12, 2006

Spending Spree

When we sorted out the financing of the house we made sure that there was
enough left in the bank to cover all the work that needs doing on the new
place. Having a relatively large sum of money available makes window
shopping great fun: "we could get that nice expensive piece of furniture for
the dining room" or "those solid walnut desks would look fantastic". When it
comes to actually spending we are more cautious, hence still no wardrobes or
washing machine. However the new kitchen has been ordered, the new bathroom
has been decided upon and the design for the new windows chosen. But the
best buy of all so far? The greenhouse! And the fantastic weather means that
the inner child in me spent the weekend playing with the giant mechano set
and the end result (apart from some strange patches of sunburn - my left ear
and a stripe across my lower back) was a very, very happy wife who was eager
to reward me for all my hard work - after she had planted the tomatoes.

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