I was living in London at the time of the nail bomb attacks in Brixton, Brick Lane and Soho a few years back. I remember how I felt, particularly at the attack on the gay pub in Soho on a Friday evening at the start of a holiday weekend. This, together with the long lasting IRA threat was often in my mind when there were stations evacuated or the train was stopped in a tunnel for long periods of time. Eventually it did become just an irritation but I often felt a little 'jumpy' at what it
could be.
Yesterday I couldn't concentrate on my work for listening to the news (I ended up not even trying to work and grouted the bathroom tiles instead). Sadness, anger, frustration, relief when I knew my old friends were safe - so many emotions, yet I now live 200 miles away. Unfortunately it was only a matter of time.
Today it was different. From here, London seems to be carrying on regardless. There seems to be a certain amount of positivity. Comparisons to the blitz and the IRA campaign have been made and life goes on.
This has all already been said today (far better than I can say it) by so many other people, but I did like
Emma Kennedys statement "...I remembered how much I love London and how a handful of fucked up mentals aren't going to stop me loving it". I hope that people carry on loving London and that this doesn't put people off visiting one of the best cities in the world.
Ed: Blogger is claiming that it's Saturday, but only just, my head is still in Friday. Trust me to be a little bit slow!