Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Am I the only person in the world not reading Harry Potter (or should that be to have read it, it is several days since the latest book was published after all)? I never have read any Harry Potter nor am I likely to. I also have no desire to see the films either. Not that I have time to read anything these days that isn't related to my Phd, although I could possibly find time to re-read this little masterpiece again. Are the Harry Potter books really that good or did some marketing person just have a particularly good day?


Anonymous said...

I'm not reading the new one. I think I read 1, 3 and 4 and stopped after that. The first movie was decent, but they've totally sucked after that.

I think it's amazing, and pretty cool, that this woman now has a billion dollar empire based on some characters she created, but I'm not a huge fan.

Beth - bethmauldin.com

Holly said...

I guess I'm just curious to know if the books & films live up to all the hype. I should probably attempt to read one some day.

Her story is certainly a nice rags to riches one.