Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Pain and Pleasure
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Surely not
Monday, September 25, 2006
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
I can't do it
UPDATE at 5.10pm: I came up with a solution which was to say bollocks to the lot of it and bugger off home. So now, rather than still sitting in traffic frustrated at having achieved nothing all day I'm already home and drinking tea with the wife. All is right with my world again.
UPDATE at 11.30pm: My wonderful wife knows how to make me feel better - a bottle of wine and a listening ear AND while I was having a crap day she got half the dining room wallpapered. I suppose I'd better make sure I'm fit to do my share of the decorating tomorrow and get myself a good nights sleep.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Funny Little Frog
No messing
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I don't want to know
Friday, September 15, 2006
I'm having trouble waking up this morning - I know its 11.00 already but I'm sure my eyes are still half closed. I suppose that's what you get from spending evenings building furniture rather than vegetating in front of the TV like normal. I feel like I haven't stopped all week and this weekend is going to be just as busy. We've decided on the carpets we want downstairs so need to get all of the messy jobs i.e. painting and wall paper stripping done before they are fitted. Then we will be able to get some wardrobes! It's nearly five months since I last had a wardrobe to hang my clothes in, half of them are still in suitcases while the stuff I tend to wear is on a rail getting dusty. Such a simple thing but I can't help but get excited!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Third Time Lucky
I love flatpack

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Worth the wait?
I finally, nearly nine months after starting the job, have a desk (infront
of the window no less) which I can fill up with all my crap. This is the
highlight of my week. Unfortunately I have no excuse not to clear out my
locker where all the aforementioned crap has been placed up to this point.
I'll maybe get around to that once I've stopped looking out of the window,
trying to identify all the local landmarks. And while I'm on the subject of
work, why when I do protein searches do I just get a list of patent numbers.
Does this mean that half the proteins in my body actually are the property
of someone else?
Saturday, September 09, 2006
To curl or not to curl
Friday, September 08, 2006
How Long?
Firstly my mum came to stay with us for a few days. I got to take some time off work and play the perfect hostess and tour guide. It’s the first time that my mum had met the wife and fortunately they seemed to get on great.
My second excuse is that work has been mad – I’ve had too much time off recently with the house and mums visit and everything seems to be happening now. They even managed to ship me off down south for a few days to 'network' - ugh!
Thirdly, the house! Kitchen is finished, just waiting for the walls to dry out from where the old pipes were leaking – it’s taking a while – then we can paint. The walls are stripped in the dining room, unfortunately half the wall came away with the paper on one wall but, as we’re putting new paper on we decided to have a go at fixing it ourselves. If we have to get a guy in to sort out the mess later we’ve not lost anything but if we can make a decent job of the plastering then we will have saved a few quid.
And lastly, but certainly not least, we have recently had not one but two new beds. And that is much more exciting than it sounds!