Wednesday, September 20, 2006

No messing

Yesterday morning we decided it would probably make sense to get the skylight in the spare room replaced before all the new carpets come - especially having seen several times already how much mess that sort of a job can make. After consulting the yellow pages we chose three reliable sounding firms and phoned to ask for quotes. One of them didn't answer (or reply to the wifes message), the second said he was too busy (i.e. the job is to small to be worth his while) and the third said he'd be down in 10 minutes. After 25 minutes he was on the phone to his team and about five hours later the guys started knocking a stonking great hole in the roof. The boss had said it would take about three hours and the guys would be glad of the overtime. He is obviously just like my boss, thinking a job will take half as long as it actually does - the fellas are back on the roof today! What has really shocked me though is that we made a decision and acted on it immediately, usually we have to think about it for at least a week!

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