Friday, September 22, 2006

I can't do it

It's not a case of won't, I can't! It involves knowing three different bits of software and the instruction manual for the first is 506 pages long (this work isn't going to be done by the end of the day). If someone would just show me what to do I'm sure I could manage after that, but I can't work all this shit out on my own.

UPDATE at 5.10pm: I came up with a solution which was to say bollocks to the lot of it and bugger off home. So now, rather than still sitting in traffic frustrated at having achieved nothing all day I'm already home and drinking tea with the wife. All is right with my world again.

UPDATE at 11.30pm: My wonderful wife knows how to make me feel better - a bottle of wine and a listening ear AND while I was having a crap day she got half the dining room wallpapered. I suppose I'd better make sure I'm fit to do my share of the decorating tomorrow and get myself a good nights sleep.

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