Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Too little time

So much to blog about, so little time. There is however a light at the end of the tunnel, I keep catching a glimpse of my life on the other side of this thesis. Seems that I do have time though to check the BBC site several times each day (excuse: I have to keep an eye on latest health and technology news – honest!)

Firstly, nanotechnology: although in the early stages, this sounds amazing. Hopefully this will go on to become a cure for all sorts of diseases one day. And people wonder why I get excited about biomedical science!

Secondly, does 2am count as early morning. The only reason I am at my most productive at this time is because I realise the day is over (yesterday that is) and I haven't finished everything I was aiming to (yesterday).
But that's enough for one day. Thank you and Good night.

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