Monday, January 16, 2006

Following a trend

I'm revising for my PhD viva which is in X days (I'm not saying how many for the simple reason that it will scare the shit out of me). The wife is being very supportive and trying to make me feel less anxious by reminding me that the examiners won't actually have read the whole thing. In which case, why did I do it? Why oh why did I spend four years worth of blood, sweat and tears producing a 250 page document that no one will ever read properly? And why oh why when I was proof reading before submission did I not spot the glaringly obvious mistake of putting one number in table 1 and a completely different number in my discussion of table 1?* Perhaps I was unknowingly, being fashionable before it was fashionable to make up results like Dr Hwang and his fake cloning and Dr Sudbo and his imaginary cohort of patients with oral cancer. Disgrace me now, save me from the trauma of the interrogation viva and let me go and get a proper job. (Like creating fluorescent pigs - I was about to lay into Ms Kennedy over this portrayal of scientists but then realised that she is actually fairly accurate in her description: "Scientists are, by their very definition, nerds with curious senses of humour and no sex skills")!

*Please note that I would never knowingly fabricate data, I am however very good at typographical errors

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