Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Have a Happy One

Happy New Year to you!

I finally made it home in time for New Year. I was all prepared to battle my
way through the weather to get here but saw very little evidence of the
several feet of snow the TV had been prattling on about. New Years eve was a
quiet one. I find it is over rated and I'm not one for spending half an hour
at the bar trying to get a drink while being jostled from all sides and
having perfect stranges jump on you at midnight, so we stayed at home and
watched the festivities on the TV (where the bottle of bubbly was accessible
without having to leave the sofa). There was a little excitement at midnight
when the wife got a phone call to say her sons wife had gone into labour and
that yet another grandkid was on the way but it turned out to be a false

New Years day was our Christmas day so after exchanging presents and a big
breakfast we went for a walk on the beach. Although it was drizzly and the
wind was chilly, the tide was in and the waves were crashing over the sea
wall and it was just the perfect way to blow away the past year ready to
start again. Of course then we had to have a go on the slot machines in the
amusement arcade to dry off - (I was three quid up at one point but
eventually lost twice that) - Vegas it ain't but it was fun! We had bought
each other daft gifts this year so spent the rest of the day playing table
football, magnetic darts and monopoly, before collapsing in an exhaused heap
in front of 'Under the Tuscan Sun'. If you haven't seen it and want a nice,
feel good film, its well worth a watch (and Tuscany looks gorgeous which has
set the wife off thinking about moving somewhere warm and sunny and

But now it is like the holidays never happened and life is back to normal,
it's my first day back at work and i'm full of enthusiasm (hence I have time
to write all this rubbish)! So wherever you are, whoever you are and
whatever you do, I hope 2006 is a good year!

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