Sunday, January 15, 2006

The saga continues

We are still looking for a house, I know, it has been going on for months! This week we have been messed around three times. We want to go back and see a house we have seen before but discounted because we would have ended up knocking down walls and building new ones. Now we have decided that this wouldn't be so bad if it would give us the space we need. The first night we knocked on the door and the bloke answered in his dressing gown and said he had told the agents to cancel so we rearranged for yesterday. When we tried again yesterday there was no answer. Friday someone was supposed to come and see our house and despite claiming to have knocked on the door, failed to turn up.

We daren't go for the house we really want because the woman doesn't want to move but is being forced out by her ex so she is being difficult about viewings, putting holes in walls, ripping tiles off bathrooms... We don't trust her not to leave the house which would leave us stuck if our place sells. Another house has come onto the market - perfect location, ideal size, fantastic garden - but it's a complete modernisation job. I think this would be good fun (and a chance to build up a collection of power tools)! Perhaps we have been to fussy in the past and are now getting desperate!

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