We've spent the whole weekend doing what we want to do and I really feel like I'm starting to relax. We headed towards Newcastle and spent the day on the Quayside, taking in the bridges, the Baltic, the Sage, a good lunch and a stroll along the banks of the Tyne. We're easy pleased! Although the 'contemporary art' in the Baltic was a bit weird and we didn't go past the first floor. An old record or a piece of graph paper with some of the squares shaded in isn't really my idea of good art.
We did have a frustrating morning though. This was the third time we had tried to view the same house, the first time the owner turned us away saying he had told the estate agent to cancel and last time there was nobody in when we went. We were really looking forward to seeing it again (we saw it a few months ago but thought it was too much of a mess) but yet again there was nobody there. We think this is another case of people not really wanting to sell despite their house being on the market. After the wife has been dropped in with viewings on our place recently we are starting to get sick of the whole house business. I think we started looking too early, before we were able to do anything about moving. Hopefully, we can get another viewing with the agent rather than the vendor because we think this is the house for us!
Tonight though I'm all calm and relaxed after our day in the sunshine. Time for a soak in the bath and curl up with the wife in front of the TV.
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