Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Mirror, Signal, Manouver

My drive home from work can take anything from 20 minutes up to an hour, depending on the mood of The Gods. Today as I set off and hit the back of the queues I decided to just go with the flow and relax - there was nothing I could do about it so I just crawled along, singing along to the radio. Once we did get moving I let people out in front of me, ignored people indicating left but turning right or sitting in the wrong lane and enjoyed the drive. I managed to stay calm for the whole 15 miles! When I arrived home there was a van parked in my place in front of the gate so I parked up behind it and got out. I didn't curse once. Just as I reached in to get my bag the van started up and reversed - straight into the front of my car, shoving it and myself backwards. "Sorry, I didn't see you" was the womans reaction. "Do you not look before you move" was mine.

Fortunately no damage was done but bang (literally) went my relaxed state!

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