Wednesday, February 07, 2007


I've found a job which would be perfect for The Wife. It's a one year contract at the uni where I work, although in a different faculty. It's been a few years since she did any research and I think that what she's doing at the moment isn't enough for her. The job being advertised follows on virtually from the stuff she spent years working on. I'm pushing her to apply because it would mean we could travel to and from work together and meet for lunch/coffee/anything else we feel like (the building she would be in is across the road from my lab). On the down side with working for herself at home she currently does most of the shopping (which I hate to do) and most of the cooking (which she is so good at). In weighing up the pros and cons I think I'm prepared to have to do a few more chores if it means getting to spend more time with my woman.

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