Saturday, March 04, 2006


I really dislike going to the hairdressers, I don't know why but I do. Consequently I let my hair grow until I get sick of it then get it all chopped off (although apparently once my hair starts to get long I look about 14 - remind me of that when I'm old and not wanting to look my age, but at 27 and a half it's not so good). Today I finally got around to getting a hair cut - I can tell because my neck is now in a draught. The other problem I have is that I can never remember the name of the person that cut my hair so I end up with someone different every time I go and they always seem to worry about cutting so much hair off. Today she wanted to know that I wouldn't burst into tears as she snipped! The wife seems to like the new me so it was worth the stress and small fortune.

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