Wednesday, March 01, 2006

This may be a bit random

Despite there having been warnings of snow and chaos for the last couple of
days the sun hasn't stopped shining and I've not seen a single snowflake
(although apparently I wasn't watching closely enough yesterday, but then my
office doesn't have any windows). It has been a bit cold though, not helped
by the fact that the heating at work has broken down and no one seems to
want to fix it (we are being demolished in a couple of months so they
probably think that it's not really worth fixing the heating). 13 deg C was
recorded at lunch time in one of the labs, no wonder my fingers are so numb
I can't feel the keyboard. Talking of ice, I nearly had a rather large chunk
through my windscreen this morning whilst hurtling along the motorway. A
lorry seemed to be shedding shed loads of ice off it's roof. My life flashed
before my eyes! Talking of cars (see this may not be so random after all),
what is it with blacked-out windows? So that you can pick your nose in

There, I feel better having waffled for a while. There is no one to talk to

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