Monday, June 06, 2005

Interviews (and other rubbish)

This last week has been a bit mad with all sorts going on and me not knowing if I’m coming or going. The interview went ok but I think they already know who it is going to go to. The application procedure was so detailed that the short time I was in there can’t make that much difference. At least I don’t think I did anything to put them off if they were considering me. But in those situations where there is a panel interviewing there is always one who asks the most stupid questions. Either she was being stupid or she was trying to catch me out, in which case perhaps they don't think I'm that good because it really was a stupid question! Time will tell. But in the mean time I'm working like mad trying to finish my thesis just in case they offer me the job.
The wife was going to go along for the ride, do some shopping and then we were going for a meal after my ordeal. But she ended up staying at home to argue with the mortgage people, who don't know their arse from their elbow! So it was just a flying visit north of the border. Although I did get to sit for 5 minutes here and enjoy the castle.

In other news, summer must be here as we had a BBQ this weekend (is it wrong to eat 6 sausages in one day?).
Oh and we have booked a holiday and I think we both need one. We were supposed to be going somewhere hot and sunny but financial constraints have limited us to a caravan a bit closer to home. I think this will be better, there will be more to do.

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