Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Life in general

I got to do the school run today to pick up a friends kid. It's a risky business, what with small people tripping you up and bouncing off you and having to dodge 4x4s and people carriers. And why does the lollipop lady insist on having a conversation with you in the middle of the road! By the time we had covered the 10 minute walk home, in 20 minutes, we were covered in ice-cream, grass stains and had two grazed knees. I don't think I will be asked to do this too often.

Instead of parenthood as a career I'm considering becoming a taxi driver. I went through a phase where I considered being a pilot but couldn't be doing with the maths and physics, besides I look better in a lab coat than in any sort of uniform. It is still an ambition to learn to fly and to get a pilots license one day. Aviatrix has some interesting stuff to say on aviation related matters.

I'll shut up now and recommend Tuesdays, thought provoking entry over at Waiter Rant.

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