Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Hot and Bothered

My laptop has a habit of crashing once it has decided that it has been on for too long. I think it might be overheating, perhaps I should read the destruction manual. If that is the case it may need regular breaks, like myself. The trouble is that I do take regular breaks (okay, irregular but frequent breaks) but spend such breaks on the computer - reading/writing blogs, playing SuDoku etc. The other day I took 5 minutes out to send the wife an email. She was only downstairs but I thought it was a romantic gesture. Our first ever dance was to Van Morrisons Have I told you lately... So in this email I simply asked her that same question. To which the reply came in the form of a shout up the stairs "told me what"? This has to be the only fault my woman has but I often have to tell her that she doesn't have a romantic bone in her body. This morning I told her I love her and her reply was "do you think these new cushions go with the rest of the bedding"!


Anonymous said...

"Told me what?" That's too funny. My Nerdstar doesn't have a romantic bone in her body either - and rubbing our bodies together hasn't seemed to transfer my romantic side to hers :-)


Holly said...

It may all be futile but it's good fun trying! But then would we want them any other way?