Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Some people!

The new job I’m waiting to start is pretty much just an extension of my old job (only new title and more money – progressing from post-grad to post-doc) so I am occasionally popping into work to make sure that no one steals my pipettes or tidies my desk (a necessity since someone put my lab coat in for the laundry, never to be seen again – those stains represented hundreds of hours of hard labour and if it was smelly it was to keep people who would otherwise distract me away). Anyway, today I just happened to be in time for a departmental meeting, unfortunately. Firstly, it was chaired by a little man suffering from little man syndrome, full of his own importance and talking down to us all. Secondly, why is that whenever a meeting could be over with relatively quickly there is always someone who wants to discuss all the fine details that affect them personally yet affect no one else? It was just before lunch time and whenever she stopped to take a breath you could hear the bellies rumbling, mine included. I'll have to try and avoid the next meeting, trouble is I can't remember when it is!

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