Saturday, October 07, 2006

Who'd Have 'Em

Yesterday I wrote about jealous kids but the dog is even worse. Half the time if I try and give the wife a cuddle he jumps up in between us and always thinks that if theres any kissing going on he should be included. He is absolutely banned from the bedroom at bedtime but if he thinks there is anything going on in there he starts howling. It can be most off putting at the time and I often wonder if the neighbours have worked out whats going on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How funny! Nerdstar and I were just talking about having the pets around at bedtime - especially make out time. The dog isn't so bad, but since the cats sleep on the bed they take it personally if we're interferring with their comfort!

The dog is more devoted to me, and every once in a while she'll be in his way of getting close to me and the look on his face is priceless. He'll come and sit on her and move her out of the way.
