I was planning on travelling home tomorrow but all I keep hearing about is heavy snow and disruption. The met office are saying an 80% risk of disruption up the eastern side of the country - half the length of which I want to trundle up tomorrow in my little tin can. As it is, although there's no snow here I can't get into my car because of frozen locks (problem there being that the gin is in the boot, an extra 24 hours here and I'm going to need that gin)! I don't like driving in the snow as I tend to get transfixed on the falling snow hitting the windscreen and forget that I'm hurtling along at speed. My other problem is that I'm succeeding in losing weight at a time when most people are putting it on. The wife and I love our food. Before we even make it out of bed, three meals are planned for the day ahead. My mum has one meal a day and so there are none of the lovely morning/lunch/afternoon snacks that I am used to. No bacon and egg, sausage sarnies or three course lunches. There's not even a mince pie in the house! There is a small box of Celebrations but my small cousins ate all the best ones the other day (on the up side I have just spotted Celebrations Mahjongg, if only dial-up wasn't so slow, it might take my mind of the hungar). Of course food isn't the only reason I miss home, there's the dog as well. (Oh, and the wife's sense of humour) And her.....
...well, just her!
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