Friday, December 02, 2005

Love is blind (just not to damp walls)

Friday night is property night in the local paper and the wife is scouring the pages, the frustration starting to show. There has been some interest in the wifes house and one couple apparently said they had to speak to the bank first but they want to put in an offer but then the next day they said they were going to see somewhere else before deciding (I know they are only trying to get the best price but they are offending my wife)! We, in the mean time, have changed our minds on the house we have the offer on. It's still gorgeous (or will be once we have finished with it) but it is a bit out of the way and kind of small compared to what we could get for the money. I know, I know, we are a bit indecisive, but hey, we like to be difficult. In the mean time the wife is getting frustrated and my attempts at making her feel better demonstrate just how romantic she is. I bent down to kiss her and said "I don't care where we end up as long as we are together, a cardboard box would do" to which her reply was "not tonight it wouldn't, it's feckin freezing"!

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