Friday, December 16, 2005

Our Story: Part 2

I just rattled off the first part without really stopping but this I have thought about a bit more. The first part probably reads like your typical girl-meets-girl kind of tale but here are the bits I missed out.

On the internet, when we were having fun in a chat room, age was irrelevant but it eventually came out that the wife is twice my age. Me being a young 20-something had no history, no baggage, but she had been married and had kids who are my age. This wasn’t a problem online and neither of us expected the relationship to continue in the real world. We expected to go home from our first meeting as good friends, nothing more. We have discussed the age gap so often, less so now than in the early days, and decided that when we are left alone to get on with our lives it is not an issue.

Obviously, the situation is complicated by her kids. We have decided that it is simpler to keep our relationship to ourselves and the age gap makes this easier – well who would think that their mother was having an affair with a woman more than half her age? The situation was ideal. The wife was living alone and I needed a place to live, the rent I pay her comes in handy and it’s cheaper for me than renting elsewhere. Plus we get on so well. The added bonus for me is the grandkids. The oldest was only one when I moved in and more have arrived since and I have been able enjoy them growing up. All the advantages of being a grandparent with none of the responsibilities.

There are times that the age gap is felt – I am just setting out on my career while the wife is thinking towards retirement; her life is full of grandchildren while I would love to have children of my own one day; But when it’s just us, life couldn’t be much better. Frequently I wonder who is older, especially when she is up half the night while I am in bed by 10.30 or when I’m telling her to quieten down before the neighbours start to complain!

I can’t imagine what my life would be like now if we had done the ‘sensible thing’ and just stuck to being friends. The wife has always been there for me over the last five years and will, God willing, be there for many years to come. I know many people wouldn’t approve and indeed when an old friend of mine came to visit recently it seemed she couldn’t see past the age gap, although fortunately she is the exception. Hopefully, by telling our story in two parts, you will see that we are just a regular couple living our regular life and the little things aren't important.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww! It's a lovely story! Both parts.

Nerdstar would love to skip having kids and go straight to grandkids!!
