Sunday, December 24, 2006
Party Time
And now it's time to hit the road, I'm heading south to spend the next few days with my mum, leaving the wife to entertain her own family. At least she's sending my on my way with a smile on my face, if a little bleary eyed!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Live and Let Live
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Holidays are here (almost)
I also remembered today why I leave my shopping until the last minute. We finally got around to getting a tree but had no decorations to put on it - lights, baubles and tinsel all at half price. And two giant stockings to fill with little things for the kids (of any age) to dip into whenever they come to visit. Tree now up and twinkling away in the corner, just waiting for those presents to be wrapped to go around the bottom. It's starting to feel like Christmas around here.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Pet Hates
Friday, December 15, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Let me catch up
Friday, December 08, 2006
Friday Feelings
Update 2 hrs later: Of course it didn't work! What was I thinking! I have one more trick up my sleeve before giving up.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Our house...
It's six months and a few days since we moved into this house and yesterday we got the final coat of paint on the walls to finish the kitchen (apart from a few tiles above the cooker). We started it not long after we moved in but it's now finally looking finished.
It is virtually unrecognisible as the same kitchen. It feels so much bigger and we've gone from having one small bench to acres of space, plus all mod cons!
Much blood, sweat and tears have been spilt in this house in the last six months but it is starting to feel like it was worth all the effort.
Christmas meme
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot chocolate every time, and not just at Christmas. Just the thought of egg nog... blurgh.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Of course Santa wraps them, but he never bothers with ribbon or bows in our house.
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? We have two a fibre optic trees, the main tree and then a tiny one I inherited from my Gran. Both are coloured. This year though now that we've got extra room we're getting a real tree as well - who knows what sort of lights we will put on it!
4. Do you hang mistletoe? Oh yeah! I'm thinking putting it in the hall between the three main rooms will give the best value for money!
5. When do you put your decorations up? Usually a couple of weeks before Christmas.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? Just one dish? That's hard. I love sandwiches made with cold turkey, stuffing & cranberry sauce on boxing day (and the following three days)!
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child: My Dad disappearing into the garage at about 5pm Christmas day and reappearing with a big box. Just when we thought we were all done, out came this one last parcel.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? What truth about Santa? Just what does he get up to with those elves?
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Nope. A couple of years ago we didn't even manage to open any on Christmas day, they had to wait until Boxing day.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? Just a bit of tinsel and a few baubles. I'm planning on going to town on the real one this year though, I just don't know how yet. And of course there are sweets and chocolates on them - for the kids, honest!
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? Love it. Just as long as it clears in time for my drive back home.
12. Can you ice skate? Haven't tried for years but now that you've put the idea in my head I might have to borrow a kid and find out if I still can.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? A rocking horse when I was about five. I loved that rocking horse. Oh and one year I got a fountain pen with pink ink and an autograph book. My two grandmothers were the first to sign it and I still have it. There they are, ahead of sports stars of the 1980's and the 90's boy band 'Worlds Apart'. And the wife surprised me with a guitar a few years ago - I'd wanted one for ages but am ashamed to say that I've never really made the time to learn to play it properly.
14. What’s the most important thing about the Holidays for you? These days it's getting to spend some time with my family then coming home to spend more time with the wife.
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? It has to be traditional Christmas pud with my mums homemade brandy butter.
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? The family meal we have on Christmas eve, after the shops have shut and there is no option but for everyone to stop worrying and just enjoy it. My most favorite is the tradition the wife and I have started - celebrating our own christmas on New Years day. Since we spend Christmas with our respective families we make this our special day - presents, a walk on the beach, big, big dinner and whatever else we have the energy left for.
17. What tops your tree? I think it's usually a white fluffy angel.
18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving? Giving, but only if it's appreciated and not "I hope you kept the reciept". But I do love receiving something I wasn't expecting.
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? Wham, Last Christmas. It just puts me in the mood. But you can't beat a good medley of carols.
And after that I now feel ready to attempt some Christmas shopping.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Polythene and Paint
Friday, December 01, 2006
(Yes today has been that dull that the most interesting thing I can find to talk about is a traffic jam)
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Time Management
Monday, November 27, 2006
Blowing a fuse
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Wild life
I did have to bow out early however to get my hair chopped - I only go when I have to so I've been cropped and the draft around the back of my neck is strangely enjoyable. And me being the fool I am arranged all of this despite Scotlands last match in the Autumn tests being on this afternoon - fortunately the Aussies beat us, otherwise I might have been upset. Phew, is it bedtime yet.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Gibbering Gibberish
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Broken Things
Hear more of her here and here.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Itchy and Scratchy
Friday, November 17, 2006
The Grey Train Robbery
Thursday, November 16, 2006
The Real Reason
Sometimes it is very easy to become engrossed in the small tubes of colourless liquids that I play with all day in the lab and forget about the human side of the disease. Meeting those people was just the motivation I need right now.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
We had a great time in Edinburgh last weekend, so nice to escape and get some time to ourselves. We wandered around the city, dodging the rain (who said it doesn't always rain in Scotland, twice we've been up this year and both times we got wet), andseeing the sights. The food was good, the wine was good and the hotel was perfectly positioned, right beside the Scott Monument with views of the Castle in one direction and Arthur's Seat in the other.

The Castle from Princes Street Gardens

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I compromised and watched the first half of This Life and just managed to get up early this morning. This morning just reiterated why I don't normally bother trying to get to work too early - I left the house 45 mins earlier than the day before and got to work just 15 minutes earlier, with the amount of traffic those extra few minutes just ain't worth the hassle.
But, just one more working day this week before I'm off to a conference. It's only one day so the wife is coming with me and we're having a long weekend in Edinburgh. It's a city I love, my Grandmother lived there all her life and I have many childhood memories of the place. It's also the first time in two years that the wife and I are going to get some time away for just the pair of us. So, although I'm having to present on Friday I'm actually really looking forward to the trip.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Bloody Typical
So, do I stay up and watch it and suffer the consequences tomorrow (I'm an eight hours a night girl) or do I splash out on the DVD boxed set? It has to be one or the other since the BBC put it into my head that I have to see all episodes again before the reunion episode.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
One of those days
The best bit of today? Hearing that the wifes son told her that I'm part of the family. I was always worried that being virtually the same age as the wifes kids and moving in just as they moved out, that they might have a problem with me. It's good to have this adopted family, I've been made to feel welcome and really do feel like part of the family. And even if they do inflict pain at times, I adore all of the grandkids (and the kids aren't too bad either)!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Who ya gonna call?
Monday, October 30, 2006
Bad News
*Yes the vagueness is deliberate since it wouldn't take much fishing to work out my true identity (not that anyone could be bothered I'm sure) and that's something that I, perhaps even the world, is not quite ready for!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Don't be Sad!
"The special telephone line has been launched to help those who retreat into hibernation mode at the official end of British summertime on October 29. Callers can listen to seven inspiring and comical sounds aimed at encouraging them to make the most of the precious available daylight this winter".
This site is great if you've ever wondered what fresh air sounds like!
The sound of Lake Windermere lapping against a jetty is however pretty special since that's where the wife and I spent our first holiday together shortly after we met.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Time Flies
Work is busy at the moment, projects which need me at my desk have landed at the same time as work in the lab is keeping me busy and I've been given the task of introducing the new guy to the equipment. While he has far more experience of the techniques than me he has never used the type of equipment we have so I'm never quite sure if I'm not going into enough detail or going into too much detail. And then there is always the chance that actually I'm talking a load of bollocks and telling him the wrong thing entirely. At least he seems like a nice guy and it will be good to have someone else working on the same sort of project as me for a change. Up until now it's just been me and I feel like I'm expected to know everything but now I'll have someones brains to pick.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
My Piece of Earth
I've been working on a presentation I have to give in a few weeks and in trying to liven up the story of how genes produce proteins thought I'd put in a few pictures. A search for a double helix to represent DNA surprisingly produced something which really would liven up the presentation - a rather graphically demonstrated sex toy. And that's why I'm glad I was working at home today because you never know who's looking over your shoulder at work!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Music to my Ears?
All together now (for the fifth time already): twinkle, twinkle little star...
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Today I have been asked to review an article. Its author just so happens to be that very same person who pissed me off and I just happen to be the annonymous reviewer who has to comment on, among other things, its suitability for publication. It's not that I would ever be anything but professional but it's nice to let my inner bitch influence just a couple of my comments!
Monday, October 16, 2006
And just incase you want to admire our handywork, here is a before and after shot of the fireplace.
**Pics removed**
We kept the wood surround but stripped off the layers of varnish and replaced the old, cracked 1930's tiles with marble. We couldn't have a gas fire because the chimney flue is knackered so had to replace the old gas fire with electric, it's sooo cosy, even if the heat isn't on. However, the carpet has been the biggest transformation.
The after shot doesn't actually show off the colours, the room was painted white but is now is a lovely warm colour with a pattern on the fireplace wall. Those are our lovely comfy new armless armchairs and the old welsh dresser is there full of things that need to be re-housed. Although the room isn't huge it also houses the dining table and the wife's desk as well as the old TV, making it the room in which we spend most of our time. Those chairs also push together to make a really cozy sofa!
Friday, October 13, 2006
Friday the 13th
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
There is Hope!
I just mentioned these studies to the wife and pointed out that the article about cab sauv says "one drink per day...". Her response: "yes but they don't say if that's one glass or one bottle". At least there's a chance that her liver can be fixed!
New Shoes
Sunday, October 08, 2006
You Make Me...
Yesterday we went to a local market to see if there were any bargains and then just as we were about to find a pub for lunch decided on a picnic, even if it was blowing a gale and threatening rain. So after a quick run around Tescos we took our crusty bread, pate, quiche, paper plates, plastic cups and miniture bottle of wine and settled ourselves beside the lake in a local country park. It felt like the sort of thing we used to do, before the life took over. (I know that this weekend is what life should be, the rest is just the shit that gets in the way).
Today we ended up toy shopping - no, not that sort of toy shopping! It seems that there is some important event around January/February time since most of the grandkids birthdays occur within the next few weeks. Needless to say, it was great fun and regardless of our respective ages, our inner-children came out to play. In fact, I haven't stopped grinning all weekend. The following song was on the radio in the car today and couldn't be more appropriate;
You make me feel so young
You make me feel like spring has sprung
Every time I see you grin
Im such a happy individual
The moment that you speak
I want to go and play hide-and-seek
I want to go and bounce the moon
Just like a toy balloon
You and I, are just like a couple of tots
Running across the meadow
Picking up lots of forget-me-nots
You make me feel so young
You make me feel there are songs to be sung
Bells to be rung, and a wonderful fling to be flung
And even when Im old and gray
Im gonna feel the way I do today
cause you make me feel so young
You Make Me Feel So Young - Frank Sinatra
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Who'd Have 'Em
Friday, October 06, 2006
Fun and Games
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
There is no reason for this behaviour and I'm simply going to pull myself together, stop being feeble and get on with some work, then go home and pamper the wife who has had a hellish couple of days and is the one who deserves the sympathy.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Bloody Carpets
Deep Breaths
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Pain and Pleasure
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Surely not
Monday, September 25, 2006
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
I can't do it
UPDATE at 5.10pm: I came up with a solution which was to say bollocks to the lot of it and bugger off home. So now, rather than still sitting in traffic frustrated at having achieved nothing all day I'm already home and drinking tea with the wife. All is right with my world again.
UPDATE at 11.30pm: My wonderful wife knows how to make me feel better - a bottle of wine and a listening ear AND while I was having a crap day she got half the dining room wallpapered. I suppose I'd better make sure I'm fit to do my share of the decorating tomorrow and get myself a good nights sleep.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Funny Little Frog
No messing
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I don't want to know
Friday, September 15, 2006
I'm having trouble waking up this morning - I know its 11.00 already but I'm sure my eyes are still half closed. I suppose that's what you get from spending evenings building furniture rather than vegetating in front of the TV like normal. I feel like I haven't stopped all week and this weekend is going to be just as busy. We've decided on the carpets we want downstairs so need to get all of the messy jobs i.e. painting and wall paper stripping done before they are fitted. Then we will be able to get some wardrobes! It's nearly five months since I last had a wardrobe to hang my clothes in, half of them are still in suitcases while the stuff I tend to wear is on a rail getting dusty. Such a simple thing but I can't help but get excited!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Third Time Lucky
I love flatpack

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Worth the wait?
I finally, nearly nine months after starting the job, have a desk (infront
of the window no less) which I can fill up with all my crap. This is the
highlight of my week. Unfortunately I have no excuse not to clear out my
locker where all the aforementioned crap has been placed up to this point.
I'll maybe get around to that once I've stopped looking out of the window,
trying to identify all the local landmarks. And while I'm on the subject of
work, why when I do protein searches do I just get a list of patent numbers.
Does this mean that half the proteins in my body actually are the property
of someone else?
Saturday, September 09, 2006
To curl or not to curl
Friday, September 08, 2006
How Long?
Firstly my mum came to stay with us for a few days. I got to take some time off work and play the perfect hostess and tour guide. It’s the first time that my mum had met the wife and fortunately they seemed to get on great.
My second excuse is that work has been mad – I’ve had too much time off recently with the house and mums visit and everything seems to be happening now. They even managed to ship me off down south for a few days to 'network' - ugh!
Thirdly, the house! Kitchen is finished, just waiting for the walls to dry out from where the old pipes were leaking – it’s taking a while – then we can paint. The walls are stripped in the dining room, unfortunately half the wall came away with the paper on one wall but, as we’re putting new paper on we decided to have a go at fixing it ourselves. If we have to get a guy in to sort out the mess later we’ve not lost anything but if we can make a decent job of the plastering then we will have saved a few quid.
And lastly, but certainly not least, we have recently had not one but two new beds. And that is much more exciting than it sounds!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Ups and Downs
Today has been a lovely, lazy day - I think the only thing that got us out of bed was hunger and the thought of a full english! And on the subject of food, just because we can for the first time since we moved at the end of May, there's a joint of pork in the oven and I'm away now to prepare ALL the extras to go with it. (Of course because I said that the kitchen would be finished on Friday it isn't, but at least it's only the odds and ends of finishing off that needs doing. It is fully functional and I'm going to enjoy cooking this roast almost as much as I'll enjoy eating it)!
Friday, August 11, 2006
No more, please!
If one more person expects me to wipe their arse for them today I'll thump
them - and I'm not normally a violent person! The day started so well, there
was no traffic on the road (I was able to drive at the speed limit all the
way and not crawl along as I normally do - let's hope it's the same on the
way home) and I got to work feeling all relaxed and happy that I had a
manageable chunk of work to do today. Then people started being demanding.
So I have escaped to the library and I'm hiding in the furthest corner where
no one will ever find me. At least it's almost the weekend, our kitchen
should be finished today and I can look forward to a quiet time with the
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
More men
Just to prove I'm not a man-hating lesbian: We're getting the new kitchen fitted this week and the guys doing that are fab and doing a really good job. So good that we'll have them back in a few weeks to do the bathroom!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Men Man
I wish I was more handy around the house. Not that I don't know how to
handle the shiney new electric screwdriver - I successfully got the fire
surround reattached to the wall and am firly confident that it won't fall
and squash a small child and this morning I managed to get the coat hooks
back on the wall after the man who came to read the gas meter pulled them
down. It's the bigger jobs that I wish I knew how to do since the so-called
professionals seem pretty rubbish most of the time. Firstly there was the
fire. Two different guys were involved in the fitting of a new gas fire
which was then condemmed by the guys who came to fit the second fire
(apparently it's a problem with the chimney and we and our neighbours could
have died a slow death from the noxious fumes - a simple test the first time
round would have spotted this). Then, last night we discovered a gap above
the new back door. Now it's nice to see daylight through the window but not
so nice to see it between the door and the frame. Thirdly, we got blinds
fitted at some of the windows and a) one of the rollers didn't roll; b) one
of the bedroom sets fell down completely and c) the big set of verticals in
the sitting room are all different lengths. It's not as if we've been going
for the cheaper option. The only thing we've not had a problem with is the
greenhouse which we women built ourselves and which is still standing firm.
I'm dreading the kitchen starting next week and am tempted to take a
plumbing course and tackling the bathroom myself. The only thing these guys
seem good at is drinking tea!
Monday, July 24, 2006
Every two weeks I have a meeting with my supervisor on Monday at 3pm. Would
it be so difficult for him to email me to tell me he won't be able to make
it. Three out of the last four times I have been pacing the corridor outside
the meeting room like a nutter before finding someone to confirm that he's
'in a big meeting with some VIPs'. Never mind little old me. On the other
hand it has given me a chance to visit the library - I had forgotten just
how lovely and quiet it is in here when the students are all of on holiday.
Now if they could just sort out the air con and let me being some coffee in
I'd be quite happy to stay for a while.
I was going to post a follow up to my last post but that post has
disappeared so that will have to wait. Instead: The wife started to make us
both sandwiches this morning to take to work when she got a phone call so
took over, nly to be dragged away myself leaving them to be finished by the
wife after all. Imagine the lovely surprise when I just opened the bag to
find neat little triangles with home grown lettuce in addition to my fave
chicken and tarragon. It's little things like that that make me feel loved.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Several years ago the wife set out to get herself a degree. While at uni she
met two other mature students and they have remained close friends ever
since, being there for each other through lifes ups and downs. A year ago
one of them was diagnosed with lung cancer and the prognosis was not good,
it was a large tumour and there was no cure, although with chemotherapy and
radiotherapy her life expectancy could be lengthened. The wife and I talked
about the choice she had numerous times. The several months of treatment
would make her ill and her quality of life during that time would be poor.
The other friend said that they wouldn't have the treatment but would enjoy
the little time they had left. She didn't. She wanted to be around when her
first grandchild was born at the end of last year. After several hard months
of chemo and radiotherapy and scan after scan the tumour was still there,
but it had shrunk. It was now small enough to operate. So a few weeks ago
she had half of a lung removed and this week was told that the tumour had
gone. There is no guarantee that the cancer won't come back but for now she
has been cured in a way that was never thought possible and is feeling
better than ever. And she will, hopefully, live to see her granddaughter
grow up.
How many people, like the other friend, would have refused the treatment.
Monday, July 17, 2006
My aim for today is not to break into a sweat and if that means getting half
the stuff done that I should get done today, well, tough. Lab coats are far
too impractical in this weather. Instead I should be at home trying to
figure out the best place for a new water butt. The existing one is already
empty and the grass is in need of some intensive care. If summers are going
to continue like this, one butt is not enough. Having been automatically put
on a water meter since we moved we are concious of the amount of water we
are using (and hence the bills). And of course we're trying to do our bit to
conserve water - but my lovely garden is suffering.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Bits and bobs
So things are a little bit slow around here. Summer is here, work is busy,
the house needs 1001 things doing to it, the grass needs cutting and to top
it all off the wife bought me Flight Sim for my birthday last week. Hence
out of that list very little is getting done and most of my computer time is
now spent learning to fly. I'm still hoping one day to learn to fly the real
thing but for now this will do. My birthday passed virtually unnoticed this
year, which is the way I like it and unlike last year when those bastards
tried to blow up London, it was a quiet day. We went out for a meal at my
favourite restaurant and made it home nicely in time to change into PJs and
settle to watch Big Brother - I'm getting old! And while we're on the
subject of BB, I'm finding this series hard going since all the housemates
ever do is argue and I can't keep up with who has fall out with who at any
given time. Anyway, back in the real world about the only useful thing
achieved last week was stripping the fireplace back to its bare wood in
order to restore it to its former glory. Oh and the cucumbers are taking
over the greenhouse. Never let it be said that I don't lead an exciting
Thursday, July 06, 2006
I have a dilemma. Someone has told me that they are planning something as a
surprise for a certain persons birthday and sworn me to secrecy. The trouble
is that I am 99% certain that the recipient won't be impressed with this
particular something for a number of reasons, she has experienced it before
and vowed not to do it again. I have suggested that culprit re-thinks her
plans in the nicest possible way but I don't think I was very successful. So
now I don't know whether to tell the other party or not. Or perhaps I'm
being selfish as the event is likely to involve me as well and I'm 100%
certain I don't want to do it.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Ding Dong
The old doorbell on our new house is one of those wireless ones and sounds a
bit like a clock striking a quarter past the hour. The old lady who
presumably had the doorbell installed has moved across the road to live with
her sister. Our doorbell has a habit of ringing on its own and it is
definitely not being pressed as the button is now inside the house. It was
spooky at first but is one of those little things that you quickley get used
to (hence not having removed the batteries). The bell rings, without fail,
every day at around 9am and again around 6pm (an occasionally inbetween).
This is the same time that the carer visits the old lady across the road.
I'm thinking that they have the same bell. Or the old lady wired the bells
up together to spy on us.
On the same subject (who knew doorbells could be that interesting) - the dog
very quickly learnt that the bell meant someone was coming to visit him
(because he thinks people only ever come to visit him) but is learning very
slowly that the bell now means that no one is there and still barks like
mad. This is particularly annoying at 9am during a Sunday morning lie-in.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Random Ramble
Friday, June 30, 2006
Rain, rain go away...
It can't be about to rain! It's been gorgeous all week and now, just as I'm
about to pack up and head home to enjoy the garden, the sky clouds over and
threatens rain. There are more practical issues I have with it raining this
weekend. We still don't have a washing machine and we're all set to go and
take over someones washer to do the several loads we have accumulated over
the last fortnight. If we can't hang it out, it will never dry! Secondly, we
don't have a cooker anymore. The guy who came to fit the second new fire had
to test all the gas and he condemmed the 40+ year old cooker we inherited
with the house. So, I was looking forward to a weekend of BBQs. I'm off to
do a wee anti-rain dance.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Rain Stops Play
We've also had the oldest grandkid here for the weekend and as lovely as she is, she can be a little brat at times. The biggest problem is that she won't go to bed so as it gets later on in the evening and the wife and I simply want to curl up on the sofa together, she gets more and more demanding. At least with grandkids you can send them home when you've had enough!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Calm before the storm
The greenhouse is built of aluminium and polycarbonate. Both of these materials are actually quite light. The winds are actually not very light at all tonight. Guess who will never be forgiven if the greenhouse moves and damages any of the wifes crops.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
So hang me
*I hope for my own sake that I am proved wrong here, for the wife is a keen footie fan (and we all know how happy a happy wife can make me).
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
I think I need to get my hair cut - too often now I'm getting to work,
seeing my reflection in the computer screen and wondering if I did actually
comb my hair this morning.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Spending Spree
When we sorted out the financing of the house we made sure that there was
enough left in the bank to cover all the work that needs doing on the new
place. Having a relatively large sum of money available makes window
shopping great fun: "we could get that nice expensive piece of furniture for
the dining room" or "those solid walnut desks would look fantastic". When it
comes to actually spending we are more cautious, hence still no wardrobes or
washing machine. However the new kitchen has been ordered, the new bathroom
has been decided upon and the design for the new windows chosen. But the
best buy of all so far? The greenhouse! And the fantastic weather means that
the inner child in me spent the weekend playing with the giant mechano set
and the end result (apart from some strange patches of sunburn - my left ear
and a stripe across my lower back) was a very, very happy wife who was eager
to reward me for all my hard work - after she had planted the tomatoes.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Out of the chaos
I'm back having survived the move and the 1001 other things that have taken
over since. The move itself went smoothly, the only day of the week it
didn't rain which was fortunate. We're still living among boxes and out of
suitcases as we have very little bedroom furniture - the removal guys
couldn't get the only wardrobe out of the house. We have no washing machine
and are using a 40 year old gas cooker (which is a bonus as the old lady
wasn't supposed to be leaving it behind). One week after moving we got the
boiler replaced so at least we can have a decent bath now and wash in hot
water. It seems like nothing has been done in the house since in 70 years -
the original sink in the original kitchen has started to leak and the toilet
is falling apart - I have decided that the house has seen more use in the
last two weeks than in the last ten years. But for all that there is a lot
of work to do, it is mostly cosmetic and at least it's clean. And big! Where
as in the old house we lived in one room with all others off it, we now have
more rooms spread further apart making every other conversation start with
"where are you?". Then there's the garden. It's fantastic! A large lawn with
flower beds full of flowers surrounding it. One large border has already
been cleared ready for the greenhouse and the veggie plot is the next
project on the list. The whole place makes getting up and out to work in the
morning that bit harder.
We're not set up properly for the internet yet, NTL turned up to install
cable only to discover that they couldn't give us the whole package so we
have taken our custom elsewhere, only elsewhere has a two month wait. So,
it's back to dial-up temporarily (we couldn't go without) and the garden is
better for my blood pressure than waiting for pages to load.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
My biggest worry now is the removal firm we've booked. I saw one of their two vans the other day and it looks very small, especially when you see the number of boxes we've got. I thought I was a hoarder but the wife is even worse!
Friday, May 19, 2006
Disappointing Friday
Dare I admit to being quite excited at the prospect of Big Brother starting
last night? It just goes to show how little decent telly there is at the
moment! It brings a little light relief from the packing. We were going to
go and see Juliet Turner tonight but neither of us can stay awake past 10pm
and can't face the prospect of the two hour drive there and back. We are
both feeling constantly knackered and this weekend want to try and restore
some sort of order to the house. As well as all the boxes and piles of
things still to be packed, we are also housing someone elses furniture for
the weekend and then two adults and two kids are joining in the fun on
Sunday. The wife is far to soft when it comes to her kids, but that's
another story all together. Let's just say it is hard to move around the
house at the moment.
On top of the disappointment of waiting 6 months to see Juliet Turner and
then not seeing her at all, I got a free chocolate caramel bar with my
sandwich this lunch time (which at the time was not at all disapointing). It
being from M&S (this is probably the last week I can afford to buy my lunch
from M&S) I expected it to be delicious but it tasted just like a mars bar,
a sticky, sickly sweet mars bar. Utter disappointment.
Monday, May 15, 2006
The deed is done
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Flapping around
Today I'm doing an impression of a headless chicken. Or a blue arsed fly.
Whichever is running round the most, suffering in the heat and having more
and more piled on her. I have managed to automate one of my experiments
which gives me 10 minutes to sit down. Finally we have a date for the house
move, contracts are being exchanged next week then the big day is happening
two weeks today. Thats just 14 more sleeps! Consequently after running
around at work all day I get to go home and pack boxes - I never knew we had
so many books. Boxes and boxes of books. And wine glasses, so many odd wine
glasses that don't match any others. We're also eating some strange meals as
we try to run down the contents of the freezer. I can't wait to get home
just to see what the wife's dug out for tonight.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Friday, May 05, 2006
Last Minute
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Bring me sunshine
It is a lovely, lovely day outside and I have discovered that looking out of
my 5th floor lab window I can see not only the fields with the cows happily
grazing but beyond that I can see planes on their final approach into the
airport. Which, for a plane spotter with multiple two minute incubations
during the course of any given experiment, is perfect (two minutes is too
short to do anything useful other than play solitaire and in the absence of
a lab computer the window is an ideal substitute. However, if there were to
be a computer in the lab I would now be able to visit the live flight
information on the airports website and find out exactly where each plane
has come from). I just spent five minutes enjoying the sunshine and talking
to the wife on the phone after a successful experiment. Not even the person
who let the door slam in my face or the person who ignored me holding the
door for them could dampen my mood, but why do people have to be so goddamn
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Still not moving
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Loving Memories
Sitting reading the announcements in the hatched, matched and dispatched
pages of the local newspaper (as you do when there is nothing better to do),
there was one announcement in loving memory of someone who would have been
101 yrs old today but who died at the tender age of 90-something. How far do
you take it? "In loving memory of a great-great-grandfather on his 135th
birthday". Or am I being a cold hearted bitch?
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
More Bricks and Mortar

Monday, April 24, 2006
Green Fingers

The sun hasn't stopped shining all weekend and it actually feels warm. Saturday we ended up going to a couple of garden centres, a little premature perhaps but we bought some plants for the new house, including a couple of strawberry plants (all I need now is an ice-cream maker). Spurred on by this we also planted some seeds ready to bring on in the new greenhouse and veggie plot, including enough lettuce and tomatoes to keep us in salads until Christmas. Yesterday we headed into Durham for a walk along the river which left me with a feeling of complete contentment. The problem now is that it's Monday morning and the last thing I feel like doing is working. As yesterday was St George's day, the patron saint of this green and pleasant land, today really should be another bank holiday!
Friday, April 21, 2006
Public service
Thumb twiddling
Have been waiting for a phone call at work now for two days as my favourite
toy has broken down again. This means I have to lurk around the damn thing
so I can follow the engineers instructions and press various buttons to try
and fix it. Whats the bet that if I go out to get lunch now he'll phone.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
19th April 2001
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Pizza and Wine
Can you shut your eyes and turn away from me
I'm gonna say some things I've never said before
And I'm feeling kind of stupid and I'm feeling kind of shy
But they're building up inside of me and I have to let you hear them
Cos you never know, the world might end and one of us might die,
Don't be laughing, but I love the way you smile.
Could you maybe close your ears and talk to someone else
While I tell you things I've never said before,
Cos I'm feeling kind of stupid and I'm feeling kind of shy.
That I've not been used to tenderness and I've not been used to being kissed
Or being held for hours at a time, eating pizza and drinking wine.
Oh I love the way you put your hand in mine.
Could you ever reach behind you and turn the music up,
While I say some things I've never said before,
But it's getting easier to tell you more and more.
That I always dreamed of waking up to singing in my ear,
in fact I used to dream of....
Now you don't even sing in tune, but that's alright with me
Cos I have always loved the way you sing to me.
Now I've always been the scary type,
And I've always felt the need to fight,
My words will pierce the skin and make you bleed.
But you light my fires when I get cold,
You buy me back when I get sold
And you've never been afraid to love me,
And I will always love the way you love me,
I will always love the way you love me.
Juliet Turner - From Lets Hear it for Pizza
Friday, April 14, 2006
Not Just for Lorries
Thursday, April 13, 2006
More tales of moving
We drove past the new house today (as I do everyday, just to make sure it's still standing)! The garden is blooming, it looks like the old lady took really good care of it and all sorts of colourful flowers are flowering already, and it's still only April. The garden is one of the main reasons we are buying this house and will be a priority once we move in. There is a gravel area just right for a veggie plot and a perfect spot for a greenhouse. It will take some preparing but I can't wait to start growing food. My only problem is that it's getting late in the planting season and will be several weeks before the veggie plot is ready. I'm tempted to start planting seeds in the propagator now but am worried that they die before we are able to transplant them (if they start growing at all, I'm not very green fingered, yet).
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Don't come too close

I'm back in the spare room again having been struck down by
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Gee Up
UPDATE: Ok, so Innox fell at the first fence and the other was pulled up on the second curcuit. At least the wifes horse finished, just not fast enough to cover our loses!
Friday, April 07, 2006
Shock Horror!
Staying on a similar subject, the local news last night ran a story about a giant rabbit eating its way through vegetable plots and allotments, and this isn't the first giant rabbit to have made the news recently. Perhaps we should be less worried about bird flu and more worried about starvation giant rabbits take over the country and destroy all crops.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Another girl
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
(Talking of Alma, it might just be my thing for older women but does any one else think that Amanda Barrie is rather nice? Apart from in the awful wig they had her in in Bad Girls).
Anyway, yes. The point of this post was a could have done better to the Corrie writers!
Monday, April 03, 2006
Girls and Boys
5 yr old: I like water but boys like juice. It’s a boy thing. Boys like juice. Girls like water and juice.
Me: So boys don’t like water?
5 yr old: Do you know the other difference between girls and boys?
Me: No
5 yr old: Girls have a tuppence and boys have a boobie-tuppence.
Me & Wife: What?
5 yr old: Girls have boobies up here and a tuppence down here (pointing) but boys have a boobie-tuppence down here.
God knows who’s been trying to teach her the finer details of anatomy but strangely enough I can see her logic!
Friday, March 31, 2006
Food glorious food
Every so often I forget that no matter how long past lunch time it has got
without eating, no matter how hungry I am, food from the hospital snack shop
will never taste good. Ever. Food is one of lifes pleasures and I always
feel cheated when it's no good. Minted lamb and chargrilled parsnips on
malted bread sounded good at the time but is a mistake I will never make
again. And I could have got half a starter at my favorite restaurant for the
same price.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Nice try
The wife doesn't like to follow the rules and certainly can't be told what
she should be doing. In fact she tends to do the complete opposite. I
pointed out to her last night that the earlier she has to get up in the
morning, the later she goes to bed. I then told her that she really
shouldn't be having sex with me and that a good many people probably think
the same way. It didn't work, she was too tired from the late night and
early morning! You can't blame a girl for trying though.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Time Goes By
Big Strike and then some idiot causing an 'incident' on another major route. I sat in my car going nowhere fast but actually quite enjoyed it. The sun was shining and there was some good music on the radio - it was nice to HAVE to sit there and do nothing.
As for the strike itself, I don't see why council workers shouldn't have to work until they're 65. As life expectancy increases so should the retirement age be raised. I was actually quite shocked to hear that 26% of the council tax we pay is used to pay the pensions of former council employees. With all the fuss about rocketing council tax they should wait until 65 to get the full pension!
Friday, March 24, 2006
I'm practising for moving house by moving labs at work. I like my old lab
but it is being knocked down and rebuilt again. I don't see why they need
to, the place looks like it's well used and god knows what they will find
when they start shifting the dust. My new lab is like a goldfish bowl but it
does have views over the rooftops to the fields beyond. I'm not sure about
my new collegues though - a half million pound piece of equipment and
someone has stolen the extension lead from the computer that goes with it.
Probably the same person who last week was downloading music on it! Hello!
Very expensive equipment for illegal downloading? Excuse me while I go and
polish my machine to get those grubby fingerprints off.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
It's Back!
The womens curling world championships are taking place in Canada at the
moment (the men get their chance next month I believe)! Oh joy at spending
the next few late nights infront of Eurosport. As I said during the
Olympics, it really is a sport best enjoyed late with a few beers, so yay to
time differences!
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
We're in the money
When I started this job a few months back I was disappointed to find that
the pay was less than I was expecting. Until this week, when I find that the
powers that be that spend their lives jiggling things like payscales around
have given me a payrise. So I am very NOT disappointed to find that actually
I am on more than I was expecting in the first place. AND it is to be
backdated to my start date. Yay! I've been wanting to take the wife to a
lovely restaurant that she has never been to, (where the mussels are
fantastic) but with saving for the house move she hasn't let me. This seems
like the perfect excuse to get out and celebrate! Double Yay!
Rug Rats
My life seems to have been taken over by small children. From being sprayed
with baby sick by the youngest to being left alone with full responsibility
for a 2 yr old and a 3 yr old, both overly-hyper and hell bent on wrecking
the place. Biscuits and childrens TV helped to keep them in the same room
(damage limitation) and they eventually tired themselves out so that when
the wife returned it was calm and peaceful. "Aren't they little angels" were
her exact words, I'll not repeat mine! She's a typical doting granny - none
of the kids can do much wrong in here eyes and I know I've said it before
but they are one of the advantages of being with an older woman. She's also
adamant that I have to have my own kid(s) one day. She's old enough to be my
own mother but I can't think of any one I'd rather have to be the 'other
mother' to my/our kids. That's not to say that we have any immediate plans
for reproducing, I'll keep practicing on other peoples offspring for a while
Friday, March 17, 2006
Travel plans
UPDATE: After pondering this post (it's been a slow afternoon) I have decided that actually I'm not much fussed about going to conferences for the following reasons;
- they're not really about 'seeing the world' but about working
- I don't really like 'networking' and can never remember peoples names (especially important people)
- I make page after page of notes on all the interesting talks but then can never read my handwriting making me sitting in a darkened room for hours on end scribbling away a pointless exercise
- It gets lonely, especially having a big bed all to yourself
- I have to leave the wife at home (see 4.)
- I don't have enough hands for carrying a suitcase, a laptop, a poster, a bag with all the junk I need for a flight and all the junk collected from the conference in (and that's me travelling light)
- I don't do jet-lag very well - I need a week to recover
- I don't like very hot/very cold weather (I always end up with one extreme)
- I never get a window seat when I ask for one
- US Immigration people scare me (the Dutch however I found to be overly friendly)
- I like my home comforts (see 5).
I'll just read the abstracts when they're published instead.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Okay, so contrary to its title, the last post had nothing to do with the
Ides of March. The 15th of March merely reminds me of studying Julius Caesar
in GCSE English many moons ago and I sometimes struggle to come up with
catchy titles that are going to grab the attention of anyone stopping by.
That was the first thing that came into my head, it was early!
Still on the subject of the last post, no need for curling in the
commonwealth games, they have bowls! (of the crown green type, typically
played by older people in the park on sunny afternoons - although I did get
into playing it myself one summer and do occasionally suggest to the wife
that we take it up. We could do with taking up a sport to get fit and it
seems like nice, gentle exercise). It's a relief, I thought I was going to
have to turn to synchronised swimming to provide my entertainment.
Changing the subject, the surveyors report has come back on the new house
and I'm pleased to say it's not falling down although the roof may need
replacing at some point in the future. We paid nearly 500 quid to have a
bloke tell us the roof may need replacing in the future! Now I'm no
structural engineer but don't most roofs need replacing eventually? Now we
need to delay the survey on the wifes house as the ceiling we had
re-plastered last summer looks like it's about to fall down - we have learnt
our lesson that re-plastering may make the rooms look pretty but it ain't
worth the mess. There is something to be said for the much maligned